As a Church we recognize that there will always be those who are suffering in the world and we believe that Jesus has called the Church to support those in need with both physical and spiritual support.

We do this by supporting Agape Children's Trust Sponsorship, a ministry run by Dave and Milette Shackleton through Crossroads Church in Seaton. 

ACTS was launched in 2013 to help ensure children from impoverished backgrounds would have the chance to complete their education and help their families work their way out of poverty in the Philippines. ACTS partners with Agape Brethren Church Floridablanca in providing support to over 42 families in North Luzon and the Visayas, with children in elementary to university education.

At the heart of the mission is the Gospel and over the last decade over 200 people have come to Christ through the work of the Bible Studies linked to the ACTS mission. ACTS is also working with the Tamping Community on a Church plant.

If you are interested in supporting a Child both in prayer and financially please contact Dave and Milette on the Church email. 

You can also support ACTS with one off donations which go towards the Church build and an emergency fund to support families during health emergencies.

Your prayers are valued; please pray for the Children as they go to school and their families, also for the Church build and the continued growth of new believers in the Philippines.