
Dip Bowls 4 x 4 x 1

Stoneware and Glass 2022

My orginal idea was to make a bowl that I could use one for my chips and one for my dip. As I went on though there was not enough rings to make a chip bowl so I decided to make two dip bowls instead. The only inspiration I had for this project was the example that Mrs. Dunlavey showed us. 

I first started out with a slab that I made using the slab roller. I then picked out a pattern mat and rolled it onto my slab. After that I put the slab on my ring and formed the bowl and trimmmed up the sides and put it in the kiln. Some tools I used for the process were the rigs, slab roller, a pattern mat, and other small shaping tools. 

There is no symbolic imagery in my work. I just picked random patterns that I thought were cool.

The most difficult part was trying to get the pattern centered in the ring. I didn’t really overcome the problem I just kept starting over until it looked centered on the ring. I would change it if I started over agian by not making two dip bowls and making a chip bowl just wait for the right size ring next time.

 I’d say my art style is non- objective. I love the way the colors of the glaze came out. I aslo like how the patterns turned out. 

Baseline Bowl 5 x 4.5 x 2

Stoneware and Glass 2022

This was my first ceramics project so I really did not have big hopes for it. I just wanted to make a bowl that did’t have any cracks in it.

We hadn’t learned to use a slab roller yet so I had to make a slab using a rolling pin so it was pretty uneven. To conect the sides of the bowl I used the scratch and stick technique and then traced a circle in the rest of my slab to make the bottom of it. After the main structure was done I added feet to the bottom of it so the bottom of the bowl wouldn’t scratch anything when I use it. 

There is no symbolic imagery in imagery in this piece. 

The most difficult part of it was trying to get the sides smoothed out. Another thing that was hard was trying to get everything connected together without it falling apart. I overcame the struggles by just being patient with it. If I started over I would have used different tools to make it. I aslo would have worked more on the sides to make it smoother. Another thing I would have spent more time on was making the slab more even so it wasn’t thick in one area and then thin in the other. 

The style of art is non- objective for this piece. One thing I like about it is the blue color of it. 

Flower Pitcher 2.5 x 4.5 x 5.5

Stoneware and Glass 2022

My idea for this project was to make a pitcher that could successfully hold liquid. The idea for the pitcher was from Mrs. Dunlavey.  In class, she had shown us a pitcher that she had made and that was kind of my inspiration for my pitcher. 

Basic Bowl

Stoneware and Glass


I had the plan to make a vase/bowl piece but that failed so I just made a bowl out of it. I started out with a slab that I made with the slab roller. I then used the scratch and stiff technique to connect the ends. I then added a base and smoothed it all together. There is really no symbolic imagery in my work because it didn’t go exactly as planned. I overcame my struggles by just making this piece into something else that I had not planned. I would change the technique I used to make the bowl to start off with. I would probably use a coil instead of a slab. I love how the color turned out for my bowl. 

Random Blue Bowl

Stoneware and Glass 2022

My idea for this was to make a layered vase with multiple this shape stacked on top of each other. My idea evolved though because I missed a few classes and my clay got really dry and I just had to settle for this. 

I started off with just a slab that I made with a slab roller. I then connected the ends and put it on a little wheel.  I smoothed it out with a smoother tool and a sponge until it eventually got to that shape. There is no symbolic imagery in the artwork. 

The most difficult part was trying to make the shape that I made. It took a long time to shape it like it was. I would change the technique that I used to make it by using a coil instead of a slab. I would also change the whole structure because I really do not like the way it turned out at all. 

I love how the color turned out on this piece. 

Mini Vase

Stoneware and Glass  2022

This was the first piece that I created using a wheel and I had no idea besides making a successful piece. I had seen videos of people making projects on the wheel. 

I first started out with my ball of clay on the wheel. I then centered my clay and started conning up and down. I then used my finger to hollow out the center. I then pinched my fingers at the top to get the top of the vase shape ad thinned off the bottom a bit to get the shape that it is. My artwork has no symbolic imagery. 

The most difficult part of this was getting my clay centered. It took a long time to center it but once I got it centered it went pretty smoothly from there. If I were to start over I would have spent a bit longer time working on it so it would have looked more even throughout. 

This piece was non-objective. I did love the way the shape of the vase turned out it could even be used for a little flower. I also loved the way the color of the vase turned out. 

Mini Vase

Stoneware and Glass  2022

My original idea was to make another vase to match my other one it did not go as planned though. Everything was working out as planned until the end when I overworked the top part of my vase and it fell off. The body/base of my vase was still intact I then worked it to look like a mini pitcher. 

I used the throwing wheel to make this pitcher. One technique I used was to cone up and down to get the ball of clay centered. There is no symbolic imagery. 

The most difficult part of this was to center the ball of clay and figure out what to do after the top of my vase fell off. I just took my time and didn’t rush centering the clay and I eventually got it centered. Also after my vase failed I just made it into something else. If I started over I wouldn’t overwork the top of my vase as much so it wouldn’t have fallen off. 

I love the way the shape of the pitcher turned out. 

Clay Mation.mp4

 Zoey Fuglsang Fish In the Ocean

Stoneware and Glass 2022

My idea was to make fish that were jumping in and out of the ocean. I got the idea from an example that I saw online and that was my inspiration for this project. 

I decided just to use a plain white background for it. I then made the ocean out of blue clay and shaped it randomly until it looked good. I then made the fish with orange clay. The only tool I used was a knife for the fish. After each picture, I would move the clay into a new position. I started out with the fish coming out of the water and then gradually kept moving over until it went into the water. 

There is really no meaning to my artwork I just liked the idea of it. There is no symbolic imagery in this work either. 

The most difficult part of this project was trying to keep my Ipad steady so the video wouldn’t turn out shaky. I overcame it by just marking where the iPad was so I wouldn’t change spots. The video still came out a little bit shaky so I would probably just use a stand or something next time to make sure it's not. I really like how simple it is. It didn’t use that many supplies.