Ceramics and 3D design 2
Reece Eggers “Alien Squid”
12x15x6, Ceramic bust, 2019
My ceramic bust is in the style of surrealism. I wanted to create an alien but I wasn't exactly sure how I wanted it to look. I just knew I wanted it to have a weird nose, and I did just that. I wouldn't have used so many different types of glaze if I started over. I do like how it turned out structurally though.
Reece Eggers “Antartica”
Stop Motion, 2019
I worked with a group on this video. We all made little clay action figures and thought of a theme that could go good with all of them. The little alien guy in the back is my guy. The other guy I made didn't have much to do with the theme of the video so we didn't include it. If were to start over, it would be cool to add more pictures so its a little less choppy. I like the general idea of what we created though.