Portrait painting

Peyton Shaffer “A Painting To Remember”

19’ by 22’, Paint, Paint pens, 2022

My idea was to paint a sunset. I got this idea from looking at paintings of other sunsets. My inspiration for doing this was I love looking at sunsets and sunrises. My process was to draw on the details and then paint from top to bottom. For the tools, I used I used a tape roll to outline the sun and drew the details based on my sketch. I painted a sunset for other people to look at it and think deeper into it. Some people choose to look at it as if a loved one passed and was “painting the sky” for them. The mountains were hard to get right, I wasn't sure what color to make them but I ended up doing grey, white, and black. If I started over on this project I would paint on a separate sheet of paper to see how the colors looked and decide if I wanted to use them. This style of art is realistic. What I love about this painting is all the colors and I think its really calming.