painting 1

"Chinese-Japanese Mixed Culture"

16x20, Acrylic paint, 2022

My idea was to put two interesting cultures together in my own way while representing some of the language, colors, and folklore. Since it was a portrait I decided to make a painting of my version of an oni which comes from Japanese folklore that was introduced by China. Over time the idea evolved into adding more traditional items from both cultures such as traditional firecrackers and lanterns. I started by putting a simplistic purple background then drawing on my design in pencil afterwards. Once I finished my outline I started adding my basic colors in acrylic paint. I made darker and lighter versions for bold shading and lighting, after that I outlined everything in a black marker for comic-like outlines. A lot of the symbolism is culture-like so it can be up to the viewer how they interpret their version of those cultures. The hardest part was making straight black lines, if I messed up I just made them more bold to hide those mistakes. The art is an anime or cartoon like style because that's how I draw most things. It's unique because it's more out of proportion.

"The Great Wave"

16x20, Acrylic paint, 2022

My idea was to have a cliff next to the shore with trees and flowers hanging over the side of it. Originally it was gonna be a waterfall next to a willow tree but the idea evolved after adding the water. The process used a lot of fingerprinting  and dotting. The artwork has no meaning but I wanted it to have a sort of flow or movement to it. The hardest part was making the foam of the wave look more natural and giving it shading. If I redid this artwork I'd make the wave less voluptuous and more ripples. The art is more abstracted and lineless because of its non objective lack of expression. I really like the fluffy and fuzzy texture of it. 

"Shaded Illumination of a Cat"

12x12, Acrylic painting, 2022

I got the idea for this artwork when I started adding background color and really liked the contrasting shade idea. I used a lot of blending for the background and bold shapes for the foreground. There is no symbolism in the artwork but I wanted it to be innocent and cute. The hardest part was trying to make a tree since it is not my strong hold but next time I'd likely make the branches less thick and more spread out. The art is more surreal since it looks more defined and round than real life. 

"Mixed Media: Box"

9 x 12, Acrylic, graphite, pen , 2020

This painting is my still life mix media, I wanted to incorporate a couple different media that would fit.  There is no symbolism and I choose a typical object I see on a daily basis. I decided to do a box because I wanted to focus on low poly shapes and lines. The hardest part was shading the box since ive never done it before and trying to make it look realistic. Next time I'll try to make it look more fuzzy and natural. I was going for a basic realism style because it is a still life.