Advanced Studio 

"Dark Academia" 

3x3x5 Stoneware 2023

My theme is to do fashion aesthetics as 3D sculptures. This one is dark academia which is the idea of dark mythical clothing and school style like witches and nevermore. I used clay to form the body and paper and glue to fix broken pieces then painted it with acrylics.  I chose this for one of my ideas because I've always had an interest in dark lore-based themes and mythical aspects and I added a prop bookshelf to make the idea more prominent. The hardest part was painting the small corners and crevices. if I could redo it I would change the hair and hat so it doesn't break.  It's in a cartoonish style which I like because it's not realistic but makes sense proportionally. 


3x2x4.5 Stoneware 2023

I chose to do this as a sculpture because it influenced me. this is a character I've had for many years and chose to draw in 2nd form. I wanted to make her into a sculpture to broaden my 3D comforts into something I have an interest in and hold close to me. I started by making the head with the mouth and eyes after I made the body. I added the clothes and the limbs then I did the hair last to use it as both a scale and structure when making her. after she fired I colored her in acrylic paint and practiced tiny details. I wanted to make her in a more simplistic cartoon style to make her details as much as possible and look cute. If i was t odo it again i would change the body shape and limbs to be more accurate and detailed. 

Midterm: Tomatos

4x6 paper 2023

I chose to do this as my midterm because it's one of my favorite foods and seemed like a good challenge i can complete quickly.  i started by lightly sketching a draft similar to the photo then putting colored pencil on top.  the hardest party was trying to do shading or light because the paint applied too much but the white pencil didnt apply enough. If i had more time i would add more layers to it. 


18 x20 multi-media 2024

"Starburst" is a special artwork made from recycled materials like wood, canvas, yarn, and rainbow beads. By giving new life to these items, I wanted to show how beautiful things can be created from stuff that might have been thrown away. The colors and textures in "Starburst" come together to form a vibrant burst of energy, reminding us of the beauty that can be found in recycling and being mindful of the world around us. It's a colorful reminder to appreciate the little things and how even small actions, like recycling, can make a big difference. it reauired a lot of time to create small details like the flower petals as well as a lot of pain when using hot glue. next time i would like to add more detail if i had more time The composition of "Starburst" achieves a harmonious balance through its arrangement of materials and colors. Despite the diverse textures and elements present, there is a sense of equilibrium maintained throughout the piece. The central focus of the burst motif is complemented by the careful distribution of rainbow beads and yarn, creating visual stability

"Rose Stamp"

5x5 stoneware 2024

My "Rose Stamp" is a simple creation made by pressing one of my old roses into clay and then glazing it. Honestly, it doesn't have any deep meaning behind it. I just thought it would be cool to make something out of my old flower. Sometimes art doesn't need a big story or meaning it can just be about having fun and trying something new. So, I made this stamp because it seemed like a neat idea. I began with a lump of clay, shaping it into a flat, smooth surface suitable for stamping. After applying the glaze, I fired the clay stamp in the kiln, next time i wanna put more glaze on it to prevent it from looking spotty.