Nic Lee Ceramics 3D design

Nicolas Lee “Soccer Ball”

5x5x5,” Earthenware Clay & Glass, 2019

I made a soccer ball because I’m in soccer. It looks like it’s been used and sun faded and realism. It means a lot for me I like the color. If I stared over I would add more white. I like of it and the color.

Nicolas Lee Claymation Video Earthenware Clay 2019

The Claymation video that I did was a Dessert with a snake and cactuses I chose this one because I have been to Arizona. I like different colors on it. If I started over I would it make it a normal speed.

leenicolas_2736_235468_Snake moving on.mp4

Nic Lee Fish 5x5x5 Earthenware clay & Glass 2019

I chose this one because I go fishing in the summer. I'm finishing it right at this minute but when I'm done with it will look cool. If I started over there be nothing that I would change. I like how I did the bottom part that the fish in it.