Drawing 1

Marjory Alger "Bouquet of Love"

10x15.5, Colored Pencil, 2021

My project is supposed to portray the feeling of being loved. I got the idea because the feeling of being genuinely loved and appreciated is something that everybody wants to feel. The hand is reaching for the bouquet of flowers that has a tag and written on the tag is the words “I love you”. Flowers are a way of expressing your love and appreciation for someone. The hand is reaching and longing for the feeling of being loved. My process was pretty simple. The first thing I did was sketch the hand with a graphite pencil. I had to add lines and create shapes to make the hand look realistic. After finishing the hand, I moved on to the flowers. I worked on the shapes of the flower petals and leaves. I then worked on filling empty spaces with a lavender looking flower. After I had finished putting together the bouquet, I started to color in the flowers and color in the hand. After everything was colored I had to shade the hand to make it look more realistic. I also had to shade the flowers to add depth and make it realistic as well. The artwork goes to show someone reaching for healthy love. I would want the audience to think about how nice it is to feel loved for who you are. There are two symbolic things in my art. The hand not yet holding onto the bouquet but more so reaching for it. That goes to show how hard it is to try and hold on to something no matter how good it is. The second thing is the tag that says “I love you” on the flowers. This was just to show how it feels to be appreciated and loved. Flowers are a little thing to say I love you. The most difficult part for me in making any kind of artwork is after putting all of my ideas together, just not liking it. I would change the flowers and the kinds and colors of them if I could. If I do not like something in my art I will just try to look and focus on the things that I do like and think look good. I would take out the red flowers and try to make all the flowers look more soft and sweet. I would say that my artwork is mostly abstract. It puts an idea in your head when you look at it and you have to think about it a bit. I am very much my own person so my art may not make a lot of sense to other people but I like to think deeply about most things. In this work of art my favorite thing is the hand. It looks realistic and the hand puts a lot of perspective on the drawing.