Ceramics 2

Makaela Shaw “Bowl”


My idea was that I was creating different projects on the wheel, I didn’t exactly know what I was going for, because with the wheel you don’t really know what you’re gonna get, you kind of just create things as you go. I wanted to create something that I could put on my nightstand to hold my jewlery and etc. I didn’t want something tall or super wide, So I created something that was the perfect size to hold my jelwery. I also didn’t know exactly what color I was going to glaze, but I knew I wanted to do something that went with my room color and the color of my nightstand so I decided to go with what it looks like almost a dark brown. If I could change one thing about this project it would be to add a pattern or different colors to it to make it more fun. One thing I like about this project is that It turned out super good, I struggled on the wheel and had no high hopes on creating anything, but I created this little ring holder.

Makaela Shaw “Cup”


My idea was that this was my baseline so I was going to do something basic and not to over the top especially with upcoming projects that are very time consuming. So I just created a cup with a handle, I struggled with the handle a little bit because it wouldn’t stick to the cup as easily and it kept breaking everytime I would try and apply it to the cup so I tried my best to attach it to the cup without it falling off. One thing I would change about this is the color, I wasn’t really sure about this color, but I have never done a color like this before so it was one of those situations where it was like a hit or miss, and part of me likes it but one thing I like about it is that the cup part of it came out really good and the shape was super nice.

Makaela Shaw "Green dish"


My Idea was that I wanted to create something on the wheel but I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. So as I was on the wheel I just creating, I kept expanding the bowl outward with my fingers and I kept doing that until I felt like it was at a good place. I also didn't exactly know what color I was going to do. I feel like I always choose like beige colors and never bright colors or anything out of the box. So I decided that I would go out of the box and do like a greenish color. One thing I would change about this bowl is to add a pattern to make it have more of a detail to it and make it more interesting instead of just a plain bowl.

Makaela Shaw “Ceramic Bust”


My idea was nothing really, I didn’t really have an idea going into this I just kind of sculpted and just started going with it. This is the project that took me the longest out of all of the projects I have created. I started out with putting pop bottles together and tapping them together and then I outlined clay where the pop bottles where and then when I was done with that I went in and started creating the nose and eyes and It almost started to turn out to look like me, even though that wasn’t the intention. When that was done I decided to paint my ceramic bust, because I didn’t want the shiny and glossy look to this project, especially if it was a human. I then painted the inside of the eyes with a base color of white and then went in with a green. I then started drawing on eyelashes and painted the eyebrows and then I colored the hair a maroon brown color.