Painting II

Kyle Kent

"Cheetah on the prowl"

sketch 9 x 12

Canvas, colored pencils, paint brush, water, paint.

I was inspired by Mrs. Dunlavey when we were discussing social issues, and I discovered that cheetahs are an endangered species. I felt sad because the cheetahs are getting poached and their fur is being sold. The process in creating my artwork was to sketch a cheetah, then decide what materials and what colors I would use to use to create my sketch. I discovered when I started to use some colors I did not like what I saw, so I chose different colors to create the look I wanted, Something new I tried was using color pencils, water and a paint brush. I like the colors that I ended up using. I would not change anything with this project. I enjoyed using new materials and learning new things.

Kyle Kent "

"Pizza Pizza"


paints, paint brush, canvas, i used a pencil, permanent marker.

I have got taste buds for pizza. Mrs. Dunlavey traced the pizza. I was craving for pizza.It was my first time using paint markers. you have to shake the paint marker. I like all the toppings on the pizza and the colors I used. First I thought it was going to look terrible also I like the colors that I used creating the artwork.

Kyle Kent "

The Beach

8 x 10

Canvas, pencil, acrylic paint, paint brush, paint trey, mixed colors.

I was inspired because it reminds me of going to the beach. I really would like to go to a beach someday, and enjoy the sand, sun and water. I looked on google to find a beach scene that would be easy to paint. In creating and trying to mix the paint for the sand, water and sky I found it difficult to match the colors when i did not have enough mixed. I found by trying to mix the paint I feel I overcame this challenge by keeping on trying.