Painting 2

I made this painting because my favorite hobby is hunting so I wanted to paint my buck that I got. This painting is a story of all the time and hard work finally paying off. I used a 10x12 canvas, paint and water. I would fix the background. It ruins the deer, I would rather have done something like grass.

This is my social issue painting. I made this painting because I think drug and alcohol abuse is a huge problem in America. A lot of people in my family struggle with it and I bet someone you know does too. I first started with my background I wanted something depressing so I I blended white and gray together. Then I drew an open hand and painted it. I tried to add details like a lighter color where I think needed it. After that I painted in the pills and whiskey. I used paint, a paintbrush and water for this painting. The most difficult part for me was the background. I wasn't sure what I wanted and then when I was painting the colors didn't wanna blend. I would've choose different colors for the background. Like black and gray. This painting is realistic. I like how the hand came out. I was worried it wouldn't look good.