Advanced Studio

My idea for this painting was a deer I had interacted with in my 2021 season and I had him on camera. I saw him last year as a 2 -year -old and this year he blew up at just 3 yrs old I plan to watch this deer for a few more years until I try and shoot him. First I needed to decide what picture of him to paint. I picked my favorite one and then I started with the background. I grabbed 2 different kinds of greens and tapped the wet paint together so I had a leafy background. I did the same thing at the bottom to give it a fall look. I then painted in the logs behind him. Then it was time for the deer. The picture I choose was a summertime picture so he was still in his summer fur so he was still orangeish. Then added white where white needed to be and painted the antlers. He was still so I tried to give it that fuzzy look. After all that I added in his leaves for detail and I was finished This artwork doesn't have a meaning I just really enjoy hunting whitetail and so it was instantly an idea of mine. I want people to look at and think that this painting of the deer is cool. People may not have the history as I do with this deer but they can still enjoy it. One thing that was difficult for me was the background. But I asked for help and I followed the teaches advice and the painting came out pretty good. If I could start over I would change him into his fall look. He doesn't look as big because his velvet is off but he's still a big deer for 3 years old. This is a realistic painting and this is unique because I am currently watching this deer. He shows up at my stand and camera pretty consistently and I hope to kill him when he reaches his full potential.