Painting 1

The Pond

12”/12”, Paint, 2021

My first idea was to make something on the water so I could try to make the land reflect off, So I ended up looking up photos of landscapes on water and I found one that would be nice to make. Then I took the dock and the person on the water from that painting and put it on a different lake to make it my own. The process it took me to make the artwork was that first I needed something to paint on, So I got a canvas to paint on. I started with making the line where the land and the water meet, then I started on the water, then the dock, then the sky and then the land. I also had Mrs. Dunlavy helped me with making it look more realistic. I think that the artwork is very calming and relaxed and that It would be great to be the guy on the boat fishing. The most difficult part of the artwork is making it look real and making the water look like water. When I first did it the water and the sky looked the same but after I got help it looked a lot better. If I were to start over I would try to make the land and the reflection of the land look better and more realistic. The style of art is realistic but on the more sloppy side of it. I like that I made it and how it came out and I would like to make more art like this in the future.