
Megan Daniels"Um,  Thanks"

7',9', pencil, 2023 


 My picture is my brother and me at a gala.  The only way it really evolved is just the shading getting better and fitting the picture on the paper. I just really wanted to do this picture because I was really enjoying this moment and when the assignment was given this picture was taken a couple days before. 

I started with my brother because he was around the edges a lot and I just molded myself around that drawing.  I used a lot of shading and trying to be kind of realistic.

My picture really just signifies what was happening at that time and how I felt.  So I don't really want people to think of anything deep, just now how happy we were at that time.  So I don't really have any symbolism in this picture, it's pretty straight forward. 

The most difficult part was definitely getting the shapes right, I'm still not that satisfied with it. But it was also a pretty big struggle trying to get the picture to fit right. I managed to fix these problems by asking the teacher for help.   I would definitely try harder to make ourselves look like ourselves, realistic drawings are not my thing. 

I would say it is realistic because it is based after a picture of something real. It's as realistic as my skills will allow. This piece is my own unique style because I drew it with my style of kind of realistic.  I don't particularly love how it turned out but I love the name and what it is based of off. 

Megan Daniels "Rainbow Drop"

10',12', markers, 2023

Well If I’m being honest I didn't have this idea at first. It just kind of came to me and I thought that this was a better idea. To create it I used those alcohol markers and a blender on the colors and around the drop. I also used a piece of white chalk-like piece on everything except the drop. There isn't any real symbolism in it, I was just making a nice design. Though if I were to start over I would make the ripples a little more neat. This piece is definitely non-objective because it’s just a design, you could bring something out of it I guess, but that wasn't the purpose. I actually think that this looks a lot like one of my older pieces of art because of the drop which I used in a lot of pieces. I also just love how the chalk made it look, it made it look more faded and better. 

Megan Daniels "Hanakai"

10',12', gel pens, markers, pencils, 2023

My first Idea for this was a skull with a flower crown, But I went with a skull with a flower coming out of its mouth because this one has more meaning. It represents the fictional disease hanahaki that you typically die from hence the skull. For the flower I used one of the glitter gel pens for the outline and I used alcohol markers for the rest of the flower. I simply used a black sharpie for the background and I used a pencil on the skull because I thought it looked a little plain and needed something. The most difficult thing for me was definitely trying to get the mouth to open. But I got there eventually and managed to fit the flower in. Though if I wanted to start over I would add more flowers to the mouth. I always struggle with this part but I think that this work of art is surreal. 

Megan Daniels "Chaotic"

10',12', graphite powder, marker, pencil, 2023

Well I started off with wanting just a black and white picture but I made the face colored and added smoke with it. I added the newspaper to make it look more chaotic and less focused on the face. I also added color to the face because I just thought it would look more unusual if I did. I also made the teeth look like gums which just makes me uncomfortable, but that was what I was aiming for. I used the graphite powder stuff for the smoke after trying to do it with a pencil again. But other than that I just used markers and pens for the rest of it. Well I kind of just want people to think of chaos like most of my creations, I don’t know why I just like creating stuff like that, much more freedom. Probably trying to create the smoke was the hardest. I still don’t think it looks the greatest but it does look better. I overcame my struggles by using the graphite powder like I said before. But if there's one thing that I would change it would be that I would wait a bit before closing the notebook because the glue wasn't fully dry and some paper residue got on it. The type of art this is would most definitely be surreal because it is very uncanny but you can get something out of it. 

Megan Daniels "Dream Cat"

10',12', marker, gel pens, 2023

This picture is actually pretty close to the original. The only difference is that the stars were all gonna be one color but the markers kept dying so I just made them all a different color. I just used gel pens and alcohol markers as usual. Though I did use a blending marker on and around the cat even if it’s a little hard to see. I honestly wanted people to think of something kind of childish like the scene in some of those movies where someone is fishing on the moon and like a crib with the stars being held by strings. I did this because my brother's girlfriend is pregnant and my sister is pregnant. The most difficult part was probably the lines because I had to make sure I didn't draw over them with black. Plus I didn't use a ruler which I probably should have. This piece of art is probably abstract because I used a lot of shapes with one meaning in mind.