Drawing 1

Brynlee Shimp's "Colorless Shoe"

"9x12" LED 2023

  My idea for this was I wanted to do a black and white drawing and I picked this shoe. I picked it because it had some color. The color wasn't something that needed to be seen so making this black and white was the best idea.  I got this idea from the people around me.  We all were helping each other pick what to draw. Someone next to me mentioned they were going to do their shoe for their black-and-white drawing and I used that idea from mine

I started by printing the picture I took of my shoe that I had put a grid on. I then put the same grid on a piece of black-white paper. I used my pencil and started doing the first column of my grid, which would be the left side of the shoe.  Every day from the second week of school I have been working on this shoe. Once I had the base of the shoe, like the outline. I started adding detail. I added the Nike sign and colored it in then used a blending stick to make it darker and blend more together. I then used the blending stick with excess lead on it to make the detail of the fabric on the shoe, then erased in certain spots where the shoe's fabric showed. I continued this till I thought the shoe matched the picture as much as it could

 When I was drawing I was thinking about how hard the details of the shoes' texture would be. In reality, once I figured out how to do it, it was that hard and got easier once I kept trying different techniques. When other people see me drawing I don't want them to see just a shoe that they think I did in a week. It took a lot of time and effort. This was my second attempt at this drawing, I did not like how the first wouldn't look. It looked very rushed and I did not like it. For me there is no symbolic imagery, I was stuck in viding something to draw for black and white, and when I saw my friends looking at shoes to draw I thought my shoe would be a good idea with not too much detail since it was my first drawing

 The most difficult thing for me was the shading. I did not have an idea how I would do it and I kept pushing it off because  I didn't know what to do. I asked Mrs. Dunlavey for help on what tools to use and where to start. My favorite thing about my drawing is the shoe laces they look very cool and look 3D. 

Brynlee Shimp "Inked Flowers"

"5x7" Print Making, 2023

When I had to find a picture for printmaking I wanted to do something that would look cool with the different colors. For my final drawing I was doing a flower so I thought if I found a simpler one I could do that. so I looked up flower coloring pages

I started by stretching flowers on normal sketch paper. Once I did that I took a styrofoam plate and placed it under my drawing. I went over my drawing pushing hard enough that the drawing would transfer to the styrofoam, but not too hard that it made a hole in the paper or plate. Once I thought the styrofoam plate had a deep enough imprint of my drawing I went into the back room and used an ink roller put ink on the plate and rolled it all over the plate. So when I put a piece of paper over it it would come up with flower being the color of the paper I used to press it. I then washed off the styrofoam plate so it was clean with no excess ink. I repeated these steps two more times with different ink colors and different paper colors to get my three prints.

My artwork doesn't mean anything to me. I found a good idea for my printmaking and what I thought would look good. When others look at my drawing I want them to see pretty flowers and the different colors. There is no symbolic imagery in these drawings. I saw the flower and thought it would look cool as a print.

  The most difficult part was i had to keep redoing my stencil because it wasnt deep enough. To overcome this i just pushed harder when i went to re do the stencil. If i would redo it i would go back and pick a different drawing to use. My favorite part is how i did pink over the yellow paper

Brynlee Shimp's "Flowers from Zoey" (In-progress)

"9x12" Media, Year 


 For this drawing came to my head when i was thinking of soemthing i could use for my final drawing  that had to be great idea for the color portion. I first looked up pictures of flowers in a skull because i thought that would be a good idea and its something different. I got this idea cause i saw a girl in the class doing a skull drawing and i liked the idea but i needed to put some color to it so I thought adding flowers to it would make some color. Once i was done with that drawing and started to add soem color i hated it so i restarted

How i started was i found the picture i liked, put it on a canva page and added a grid to it. I put a grip over most of my drawing cause it helps focus on on thing at a time then feeling overwhelmed by the whole thing. Once i got the picture off the printer and had a grid on my paper i statrted drawinng. I tried doing box by box but i found my self starting with doing all the outside stuff first. Once i finished the outline of the flower and skull, i worked on the details of the skull. Once that was finished i did the details of all the flowers and started addign color. I usde oil pastels and i hated how it looked. I look very messy and wanted what i envisioned.  So I put this drawing on the back of my shelf, found a better picture i liked, and started over. Once i had this one all printed out I started the same way i did on my other one with the outline of all the flowers. When i tried to do the outlines I always found myself just drawing the whole flower with the details which made me feel like i wasn't doing much work that day, but in the end it all paid off. Once i had all the flowers drawn and i erased my grid i started coloring with colored pencils. I am sadly not done with this so thats all i have done.

My artwork doesn't mean anything. But when others look at my drawing i don't want them to see flowers and think it didn't take a lot of effort. It took a lot of trial and error, i erased a-lot and had to redo so many thing many times. For me, there isn't symbolic meaning to my flowers i just love drawing flowers. 

For me the most the hardest part for me was picking what colors to use. I went to the colored pencils and picked the colors i thought would look good. Instead what i should have done was looked up flowers to see what the flowers in my drawing were. If i were to start over i would pick different colors for the flower petals. My favorite part is the details on the bottom flower.