
Baseline Ceramic

"Abyss Phantom"

8x13x9”, Ceramic, 2020

So I was thinking of making a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but then I realized that it was difficult to make an animal based off of real life. So instead I used my imagination to create this abomination that looks like it feeds off the souls of the living.

I didn’t really use any tools, and just used my hands. However I had some assistance with Ms. Dunlavey to help make sure it kept its structure doing its construction.

It shows that there are sinister and dark things out there. It also shows that there is fear in this world and that sometimes you gotta embrace them.

It was most difficult keeping it from collapsing. The thing just kept on sinking on itself, so I had help on fixing it.

I’d say that it’s surreal because since when do you see an alive thing like that running towards you at full speed. It’s very unique because of how bizarre and unworldly it looks.