Ceramics 2

"Alien Pot"

5x2x15”, Ceramic, 2021

So I was making a baseline project, but then I realized that we weren't doing a baseline. So I decided to create an alien. The alien is then morphed into a pot which the hole is in the back of its head.

We used some cutting tools to hollow out the alien appendages. I had some assistance with Ms. Dunlavey to help make sure it kept its structure doing its construction.

It honestly was supposed to be green, but I didn't have time to fix it so I just went for its color. It was supposed to resemble mystery.

The most difficult thing was hollowing it out as we could rip it apart. It also could've ended up collapsing.

I’d say that it’s surreal because since when do you see this floating towards you. It’s very unique because of how extra terestrial t looks.

"Red Golem"

14x5x12 ”, Ceramic, 2021

This was originally supposed to have a big noes with a weird and goofy smile. It unfortunately however, ended up collapsing. Ms. Dunvaley had to fix the face but it couldn't be put back to its original state.

We used a variety of tools such as cutting tools and rollers. Ms. Dunvely fixed it but it took a while to do so.

This was supposed to resemble a cartoony vibe. Now though it looks more realistic.

The most difficult thing was putting it back together after it collapsing upon itself. It took a few class days to get it back together.

I’d say that it’s surreal because it was originally supposed to be cartoony. It still looks kinda derpy and cartoony so I'll just give it that.