

Austin Flammang Stoneware pot



I made a vase and it took a couple of classes to complete. I had to wedge my clay then I rolled it out a little too thin but I went with it anyways, after that I lade my mesh imprint on the clay and gave the clay an in-print. I then folded the clay into a pot shape then added a foot and a handle. After the clay was fired I glazed it with a blue glaze because I thought it look cool.


brown bowl

8x8 x 2.5

I got the idea to make a shallow bowl with an imprint on it. I thought it would look cool to add a brown shiny glaze to it and it turned out nice. There was no plan when making this bowl, I just started messing with some clay and rolled with whatever happened. 

The first step was to wedge and roll out the clay to the right thickness. Next, I rolled on a stamp I liked. Then I took a foam ring and gently pressed the clay down into it and trimmed the edges. After that, I added little balls of clay for the foot of the pot. Then I fired the clay and glazed the clay. Lastly, I glazed the clay with a brown shiny glaze and refired. 

This art is realistic it's not supposed to look really cool it's more of a functional piece.

flower pot



I was trying to make 2 bowls but the smaller pot got a hole in the bottom of it and would make a very good flower pot. I glazed the pots in the same color so that they would match and I think it turned out good.

The first step was to wedge the clay, then I centered the clay on the wheel and made sure the clay was ready to go. Then I turned on the wheel and worked the clay into a bowl shape. lastly, I fired the clay and glazed it, the little hole on the bottom of the small pot was a mistake that was not supposed to be there.

Red bowl


I got an idea to make something a little different so I made a bowl with the rim flares out. I was not a huge fan of how it looked at first but I went with it and I would say it turned out ok, not one of my favorite pots I made.

The first step was to wedge the clay, then I centered the clay on the wheel and made sure the clay was ready to go. Then I turned on the wheel and worked the clay into a bowl shape. Lastly, I glazed the clay and fired it


Fish out of water


We needed a quick and easy stop-motion video so doing a fish in a pond seemed pretty simple. First, we made the background set with a pond and some trees. then we made a fish and a pole, we made the fish get out of the water by ripping the clay fish in small sections so it looked like it was coming out of the water. lastly, we uploaded the pictures to Imovie and pieced them together.