Painting 1

Olivia Melvin "Aurora Amidala"

18x24” Acrylic on Canvas, 2020

I am a fan of the game and movie series of Sonic The Hedgehog and sometimes I draw them.

I draw or paint some of them. My idea was to paint Aurora Amidala.

The girl in the painting is anthropomorphic hedgehog from the comic, Series and movies of Sonic The Hedgehog.

I sketch it and then painted the background.

Next I painted in the animal.

I think its ok and not pretty bad.

If I started over I would change a few things.

The background, the mouth, the skin and quills(hair) but i just match it up by putting the colors in and paint.

I rather change the background to something to fill out the empty part of the painting.

I love sky and I love the quills because it took away to figure out the right color of the quills and the sky thats what I love about it.

Olivia Melvin “ Grass, wind blowing and Summer time"

18x24” Acrylic on Canvas, 2020

My idea was to paint grass, wind blowing and summer time. My project in the painting is a grass, lake, and sun from my own work. I imagine of it and then painted. Next I painted the lake with rocks. I think its good. I started over I would change the clouds and make just the sky. None because it went great the background is great. I would rather not change anything because i like the wind and the grass. But the cloud are little messy and i would make it more cloudy-white. I love the wind and the winds blow because it looks more like a natural wind blowing through the glass like regular cartoon movie.