ALyvia's Art Portfolio

Alyvia Stevens "Homecoming"

8.5 x 11,Pencil, 2020

I want to draw something that would mean something to me personally. So I chose to work from a photo of my friends and I at Homecoming last year.First I trace it off my white board, then I worked on shading, texture and small details of the people and their clothing.I feel like this drawing demonstrates our close bond as a group of friends. The hair of everyone was hard for me because I wanted to look like the photo. Also I did not want the hair to be too dark or light and wanted to get that realism.This is a realistic drawing. I prefer real-life subjects. I love that i captures a moment in time with my friends.

Alyvia Stevens "Couple"

24 x 36, Acrylic,Pencil, 2020

My idea was to show a loving couple. I was inspired by some images and artwork I found online. I put my own touch on it with color choices. I used pencil sketching and shading and finished with accents of acrylic paint. I hope my audience will feel the comfort of being there for each other in chaos. If I could do it over, I think I would redo the female’s hair. I struggled with it and wanted it to look a bit curlier.This is realistic with surreal elements. I love the shading with the combination of B&W with color for accent.

Weekly Drawings