Painting 2


14"x11", Identity, 2023

So, tennis season was coming upon me. Tennis season is my favorite because it just makes me so happy. The topic was identity, so I thought why not make something that makes me feel super happy. And first thing that came to my mind was tennis. It ended up being a great idea. 

I used tape, rulers, pencils, acrylic paint, and paint brushes. I had so much fun using these items. At first I started out free handing the tennis lines. And let me tell you I thought they looked so bad. Then, I remembered a technique I saw online. You use tape to make straight lines. I thought I should give it a try, so I used tape so I could have straight lines. It turned out look awesome. I had fun experimenting different tools.

The artwork to me means happiness and calm. I used calm colors like green and white. I like those colors. When people look at my beautiful work of art I want them to see greatness because well that's just who I am. I also want them to see the thought and time I took. Especially when they read this amazingly typed artist statement. 

The most difficult thing for me was making different shades of green. I always just use one shade of green and call it a day. But you know I woke up on the right side of the bed and chose greatness. I tried blending the colors and using different shades of green which I thought was good. I decided to make the main shade a light but not too light of green, then I blended in darker green. I like how it turned out honestly. I made improvement in my artwork. If I started over I would make the tennis ball bigger because I could add more color and detail into it. Which is good because then I could have more colors and texture into it. 

The thing I love about this work is all of the straight lines. I am proud of my brain and how it turned out. Yes, there is room for some improvement but we shall save that for net time. 


10"x8", Narrative, 2023

Who doesn't love flowers? They are beautiful, unique, and full of great smells. I thought it would be a great challenge to paint flowers. But I was going to do many colors, not just a couple. But that idea evolved because it was near valentines day, and I love valentines day (mainly because of chocolate-covered strawberries) but I just think that it is fun. 

So starting out, I just worked on the brick and made it really detailed. I liked the way it turned out. I was going to do red brick but I felt it would look better if I did like gold or yellow. It turned out to look really pretty. 

The artwork means beauty. Flowers are pretty and they smell good. I really like them. I added many different flowers and made sure they were different. The rose was really fun to make because it was a challenge and I think that it ended up looking really good. 

The most difficult thing was the flowers. The brick was a challenge so were the steams but they were not as difficult as the flowers. Flowers are really hard to paint because you have to have the right shades which are hard to make. Let me explain the process of the roses. I started out just painting a circle and putting yellow in the center. Then I was like wow this looks like absolute poop. So I started experimenting. I made many different shades of pink and made swirls and highlights. I am in love with the turnout. No literally, I would run away and marry the rose if I could. It is AWESOME. 

The style of art is hopefully realistic. I mean its kind of disproportionate because the flowers and bricks don't like up. But I think the rose carries the whole painting and makes it look kind of realistic.

Take a Blow


I wanted to paint something that was fun and would be a challange. Everyone was doing something boring and I wanted to be fun. So I grabbed a tissue box. I wanted to do the tissue box because it was very colorful and had cool lines. 

The tissue box was challenging to paint because the lines were different sizes. Some lines had curves or were bigger than the others. I first started out by color matching the colors on the box. The purple was difficult to make. But once I got it then all I needed to do was paint.


10"x8", Narrative, 2023

My inspiration for this was the northern lights I saw the night before. It was late at night and I was driving home. I typically look up at the sky because I think stars are really pretty. I looked up and saw northern lights. I was sitting and class and decided to paint the stars with a moon. I used acrylic paint. The most difficult thing was the sky. It was hard to get it the right color and have a lot of it. I then waited for it to dry. After, I painted the trees. Following I did the stars then the moon. 

Under da sea

12"x9", Social Issue, 2023

I wanted to paint an under-the-water theme. I wanted to address a bunch of issues with the sea. There are many issues under the sea: pollution, poaching, and dumping. Sea life animals are rapidly dying from all of these. I attempted to paint them all. 

I started out by painting the water and adding different shades. Then, I added the sand, I made many different shades of brown to make it look better. It got better and better as time went on.