Painting 1

"Just a cloud away"

Alyssa Lippens

8"x10", Landscape, 2022

My original idea was to draw a big and pretty tree. I got the idea because trees are pretty and have always been fun to paint. I also wanted to paint some pretty flowers. I went on Pinterest and looked up landscape photos and found a couple that I liked and I kind of just blended them together to make this.

To make this painting I used acrylic paint. I used many different colors. I felt that if I added many different colors then it would make my art pop out. I main color I used is green. I used a billion different shades of green. What I found really helpful was the color grid that I made at the beginning of the class. It showed me all the different shades of green I could make.

It means peacefulness because seeing a bunch of flowers on a nice spring day just feels so peaceful.

The hardest part of this project was the trees. I wanted to put as many shades of green into the leaves. I knew if I only used one or two shades then it would not look that well. I ran into many bumps during the process. Because I made so many ugly colors it made me mad. If I started over I would have blended the water some more. I also would have fixed the grass because it looks really sloppy.

In this piece of art, I was hoping for realistic. The thing I love the most in my painting is the tree. I think it looks really good.

Alyssa Lippens "Two People in a Photo"

8"x10", Portrait, 2022

I needed to paint a portrait and I wanted to paint a picture of my friend and me. This is a picture of me and my friend Holly. I was originally just going to paint the photo. But then I decided to paint it in a basketball. I decided to use the basketball like it was a frame.

I started out by tracing the circles. I started with the small circle, then painted the basketball. I then drew the lines which was a struggle because I wanted them to be perfect. After that, I drew the people.

My artwork resembles friendship and what friendship can bring you.

The hardest part was painting the numbers. They couldn't be too small or too big otherwise. I overcame the struggles by taking my time and trying multiple times to get it right. I would have done better on my people because it still looks bad.

Realistic because I painted real people. This painting is unique because I used a lot of emotion. The thing I love most is my basketball I feel like it turned out really well.

"Pot of Flowers"

Water color