Alex's Art Portfolio

Art Statments

Alex Fuller "Bottled up"

11” x 8.5”, Black and White, 2021

(IDEA) My idea for this was just to put focus around the bottle and make the background look cool and wavy. I got the idea from looking at a coca cola glass bottle and thought it would look cool stretched out and i just put cola on the bottle to not steal the logo.

(PROCESS) I started out with carving the outline on the scratch piece and made them thicker and more noticeable, the i started adding the details in with a fine point needle for the letters and and the fine lines when i was done i used a scraping tool with 4 grooves to make the wavy lines as the background all the way up

(SYMBOLISM & ICONOGRAPHY) I don't really know what it means. I guess it's just like hey this is cool drink some soda but I think I want them to think about how even simple everyday things can be a cool looking piece of art. There's wavy cool lines in it that are pretty cool.

(ARTISTIC GROWTH) I think the most difficult part was trying to make the letters the way I wanted and deciding what I wanted to do about making it look more 3D like. I just kept adding more and more to it until I liked it and thought that it looked good to me. I would have changed it from a silver scratch to a white scratch i feel like it would have look smoother and better on that kind of scratch paper

(VISUAL VOICE) It is non objective, its unique by the way i made it and the details i added like i made my own letter style for it and added my own background touch with the lines going all the way up. What I love about it is how it makes it kind of like an optical illusion when you look at it in ways.

Alex Fuller "Eye of pain and Beauty"

8” x 6.5”, Colored, 2021

(IDEA) My idea was just to draw a eye that had tear coming out of it so it was not just a plain eye and had something more to it then just being an eye, I got this idea because i have always been fascinated with eyes and the many colors and patterns that are in them at first i did not thin i was gonna have it a color drawing and was just gonna have it a pencil drawing. Then I started adding color to the eye and I was really liking it so I kept doing it until I got what I have now.

(PROCESS) I started out making the eye with pencil and making rough details that I could go over again with colored pencil and add the color and more detail once I got it all colored. I started with doing the eye color and mixing all the blues and white and black and blending it so that it would look more realistic and cool then i moved to making the skin tone by blending multiple color

(SYMBOLISM & ICONOGRAPHY) This artwork is just like saying that it's ok to have your emotions come and to cry and that you can't hold it all in and that it's good to let it out and that everyone goes through tough times. So I want the audience to think that they should not be ashamed to cry.

(ARTISTIC GROWTH) The most difficult part was making the eye color and blending it and making it look like a real eye and adding in those darker colors and making sure that it was not too much one color.

(VISUAL VOICE) What do you love about it? I think it's more realistic and what makes it unique is that the eye is different from all other ones in the color and the shape and the skin tone around it.

Alex Fuller "Wonder Boy"

10” x 7.5”, Mixed, 2021

(IDEA) I just wanted to make a portrait and wanted to have a mask in there to show the time we were going through at the time. I got the idea because we are in a pandemic and I thought it would be cool to make a drawing representing the time we were in.

(PROCESS) I started out making the outline of the head and the body and then making my way to adding the eyes and the mask and the details of the sweat shirt then I started adding the background and making the checkherd to it. And then the color.

(SYMBOLISM & ICONOGRAPHY) This artwork just means like were in a pandemic and mask are what you see everywhere and that its a real thing and it all just came out of nowhere

(ARTISTIC GROWTH) Most difficult part was adding the details in the face for me and adding the shading in the right spots to make it look normal and right.

(VISUAL VOICE) This is a non objective art its unique because its a portrait of someone i know and i dont think someone else drew him like this