Advandced Studio

Alex FUller "The Mixture of the unknown"

Mixed Media, 2022.

(IDEA) My idea for this was to make mixture between light shaded colors and combine them and make them like their own zones coming together to make one. I got the idea from strangers things kinda because of how the two worlds combine the upside down and the real world all mix into one. so after remember watching the show it kinda gave me this idea.

(PROCESS) At first i had to start with mixing white with the colors i wanted to go together and they i thought would look pleasing if they were next to each-other then i had to find out what color would go with them all in the middle. Then i have to think about what to go in the background so that its not so plain. I used acrylic paint and mixed them together and then used various brushes to help blind but i used and flat wide one to help with the designs to get the same feel through out.

(SYMBOLISM & ICONOGRAPHY) What this artwork means is the mixing of worlds and how they can all come together and make something beautiful. I want people to think about what goes together well in life that makes things look better then if they were apart.

(ARTISTIC GROWTH) I feel like that was most difficult for me was trying to find the colors that i liked that went together because use the wrong colors and it can just make the painting look not right and very un pleasing. one way i went about this is mixing them on a test paper and seeing if it looked good before hand. I think i would changed the size i would like a bigger painting of this feel like it would be more vibrant and cooler bigger.

(VISUAL VOICE) It is non objective. Its my own style because these are colors and lines thats pleasing to my eyes and maybe not to others but to me its something i think looks well. I love how the colors came out and how the mixing of the white is subtle but still what it needed to give it that pop.

Alex Fuller "Infinite road of running"

mixed media, 2022.

My idea for this is how i like to run and when i run i like to run at night, and when you run at night you cant really see where the end of the road is so it seems like it just keeps going like in the picture. and i wanted to make the sky something like the stranger things red and black one.

At first i had no idea where i was going with this or what to add but i decided to just start out with a road and slowly add things from there so the next thing i added after sketching the road was like the sky line but at this point had no idea where i was going with this and i wanted then to try my hand in some like light coming from a source so i added a light pole trying to simulate light and then i finally got the idea of a stranger things like sky

what this symbolizes is just diffrent things i like, running at night strangers things, and painting

i feel like the most difficult thing to do was emulate the light from the pole because its hard to make it look like the light shining on the black surface of the road and have the light that has not yet hit the ground. how i did this though was knowing that a lighter shade of black is gray so i added some gray and yellow together to try and make that effect of the light

Its a landscape i would say its my own style because i did this of things that i like and wanted to combine those together and make a painting to help show that

Not an official artwok

What is going on here is i wanted to experiment with adding a bunch layers of paint and then putting paper or paper towel over it after it was crinkled to see what design could come out of it so i did this like 5 or so times covering it all in diffrent colors of paint and then putting paper over and taking it of to see what is left. i like to think of it as a beautiful garbage and thats what i would name it if it was a painting project and not just an expirement. I like how it turned out though it just had its own uniquie look to it that pulls me into looking at it and what it is and what lines and colors are in it

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

Unfinished painting

Sketch 3