Danville School Building Project

Planning for the Future of Our School

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About the Project

Since 1937, Danville School has been at the center of our town, educating our children, supporting our families, and bringing our community together. The building has undergone several renovations and additions over the years, and the most recent construction project was more than 30 years ago. In 2019, our supervisory union hired the architecture firm, TruexCullins, to assess the needs and status of the school due to space issues. Like many older schools, they found systems running beyond their useful life and crowded spaces that no longer support students and staff in ways we now know have an impact on learning and the health and well-being of children. Based on these findings, our community is considering building options to address these issues and meet the needs of students in our town.

Building Committee

The Building Committee was formed in January 2023 to continue the work of the Building Advisory Group which began exploring school building options in August 2022. The purpose of the committee is to plan for the future of the school and explore building options that address 1) space needs for learning and 2) major systems that need to be repaired or replaced. All meetings are open to the public and community members are encouraged to attend.


School Board Members

Clayton Cargill

Dave Towle

Tim Sanborn

Molly Gleason

Eric Hewitt

School Administration

Sarah Welch, Elementary Principal

Natalie Conway, Secondary Principal 

Brandon Lawrence, Facilities Director

Mark Tucker, Superintendent (advisory role

Community Members

Rob Balivet

Kaity White

Mary Beattie

Doug Pastula

Bruce Melendy

Lance Horne

Alison Despathy

Rhiannon Esposito

Stacy Andre

John Blackmore

Upcoming Meetings

  Past Meeting Minutes and Videos

Relevant Documents & Resources

Building Report from the 

Facilities Director

Facilities Director Report 1.11.23.pdf

Principals' Report of School 

Program Needs

Report of Program Needs Related to the Building.pdf

Facility Evaluation Report (2019)

Danville Facility Evaluation.pdf

Enrollment Projection Report (2024) 


TruexCullins Building Proposals (6/13/24)

Danville Presentation 2024_06-13.pdf

Tax Impact Presentation (6/13/24)

Danville School District- Loan options_REV4.xls.pdf