Sphero Instructions 3

Example Assignment - This is a Sphero assignment with the components for Assignment 3: Conditional Code and Logical Operators.

Before starting your project, download the Sphero Arcade from the accessories section. Complete all sections under Get Rolling. You DO NOT need to do Sphero Pong. Once they are completed, send a screenshot in Google Classroom and begin your Assignment.


Your goal is to code your Sphero to complete a maze. You do not have to have your Sphero use every element of the maze and do not worry if it doesn't follow the lines exactly.

To go for a 3, you need to have at least 1 instance of conditional code in your coding sequence. Your presentation MUST include the words conditional code and condition.

To go for a 4, you need multiple examples of the concepts and the code also needs to be the shortest code possible. You also need to include prior concepts; your code must also contain a function and a loop. Your presentation MUST include the words conditional code and condition.

For a 5, you must include the requirements for the 4 but also need to construct something that your robot uses in the code you write. Your presentation MUST include the words conditional code, condition, and boolean. If you and your group want to go for the 5, please conference with the teacher so you are able to obtain the building materials you will need.

Helpful Hints:

  • Make sure that you have connected to the correct Sphero. Refer to the signs in the room for the correct Sphero number.

  • Hold your sphero next to your iPad to connect. If it does not, try restarting the app and/or the iPad.

  • The Playground for this app has some glitches. You will need to begin your code by clicking on the word "while" and once it highlights and is red, deleting it. You will then code before the final curly bracket.

  • In order to aim your Sphero, you will need to go into the "Drive" level of the Sphero template, press on the play button and aim it. You should have to do this only at the beginning of your coding session.
  • Your goal is to get your Sphero to complete a maze. You can use a pre-made one for a 3 or a 4 or you can create your own. You may use the supplies available in the room to create your maze and obstacles. Make sure you are including the components necessary for the assignment you are doing.

  • Begin rolling your Sphero at 'speed: 50 and wait (for: 1)' so you can see how far he will go. You can base your other measurements off of what you see here.

  • Do not drop your Sphero.

  • Do not be offended if the Sphero hits you - we are all learning here! No one is trying to purposely make the Sphero hit anyone.

  • Don't forget to stop your Sphero from rolling.

  • Make sure you use the protractor to help you with your angles. Whatever angle you start at is the angle your Sphero will always be rolling. 0 will always be in the same spot.
Example: Assignment 3 - Sphero