MeeBot Instructions

Example: Assignment 2 : Meebot

Example Assignment - This is a Meebot assignment with the components for Assignment 2: Commands, Functions and Loops.

Before starting your project, download the Meebot Dances from the accessories section. Complete these sections:


Hello Meebot

Basic Moves

Dance Routine

Make Your Own Moves

Dance Loops

Once they are completed, show me they are done and I will help you download the Meebot Template so you can begin your assignment.


You and your group are tasked with coding your robot to demonstrate your understanding of commands, functions and loops. You will be making your robot do a dance to demonstrate this.

  • To get a 3,
    • Coding Standard: you need to have at least 1 loop and 1 function.
    • Explanation Standard: You must include the words command, function, call, and for loop in your presentation.
  • To go for a 4,
    • Coding Standard: you need multiple examples of the concepts and the code also needs to be the shortest code possible.
    • Explanation Standard: You must include the words command, function, call, and for loop in your presentation.
  • For a 5,
    • Coding Standard: you must include the requirements for the 4 but also need to construct something that your Meebot uses in the dance code you write. If you and your group want to go for the 5, please conference with the teacher so you are able to obtain the building materials you will need.
    • Explanation Standard: You must include the words command, function, call, and for loop in your presentation. Also, explain as you are the teacher and someone can come in and replicate your process and get the same results as you.

Helpful Hints:

  • Your goal is to make your Meebot do a dance. You can use the music provided on Ipad or use your own (unfortunately you cannot put it on the Ipad, you will have to play it off your Mac). You do not need any other materials if you are going for a 3 or a 4. If you are going for a 5, you will need create something that your Meebot uses in its dance. Consider a ramp or something he can dance around. You may use the supplies available in the room to create your dance. Make sure you are including the components necessary for the assignment you are doing - you NEED to have functions and loops in your code.

  • If your Meebot will not connect, try restarting the Ipad and the Meebot.

  • The Meebot is fragile. Do NOT drop him or let him dance off the table. Take much care when handling your Meebot.