Mambo Drone Instructions

Drone Project

You and your group are tasked with coding your robot to demonstrate your understanding of commands, functions and loops. You have free reign as to what robot you want to use (you are only allowed to use each type of robot one time during the rotation) and what you want your robot to do for this assignment.

  • Going for a 3:
    • Coding Standard: you need to have at least 1 loop and 1 function.
    • Explanation Standard: You must include the words command, function, call, and for loop in your presentation.
  • Going for a 4:
    • Coding Standard: several functions and several loops.
    • Explanation Standard: You must include and define the words command, calling a function, defining a function, and for loop in your presentation.
  • Going for a 5:
    • Coding Standard:several functions, several loops, have your drone fly though, around or under something, and a launch and landing pad.
    • Explanation You must include and define the words command, calling a function, defining a function, and for loop in your presentation. Also, explain as you are the teacher and someone can come in and replicate your process and get the same results as you.

Once you have completed your code, create the Google Slides presentation that was sent to you and include slides that have the following things:

Slide 1: Name and title of assignment

Slide 2: A screenshot of your code the Commands, Functions and Loops sections

Slide 3: An explanation of how you created the code, how you sequenced and how you debugged your code (be sure to use appropriate vocabulary in this section such as command, function, call, and for loop).

Slide 4: A video of your robot completing the your code.

Slide 5: Reflection - What obstacles did you face during this assignment? How did you persevere?

Helpful Hints:

  • Your goal is to get your drone to complete a flight pattern. You do not need any other materials if you are going for a 3 or a 4. If you are going for a 5, you may use the supplies available in the room to create your flight pattern. Make sure you are including the components necessary for the assignment you are doing (ex: commands, functions, and loops for Assignment 2 and conditional code for Assignment 3.)

  • Make sure that all drone parts are attached correctly before running a program.

  • Do not make your drone fly in any direction for more than 1 seconds at droneSpeed = 100.

  • Do not grab the drone out of the air as it is flying.

  • Do not be offended if the drone hits you - we are all learning here! No one is trying to purposely make the drone hit anyone.

  • If your drone crashes and a part of it breaks, please see the teacher immediately.

  • The start of your code must be takeoff() and the end of your code must be land(). Keep your drone in your flight area as much as you can.

  • Make sure you have your drone connected to your iPad and not someone else's.

Example: Assignment 2 : Drone