GenCyber 2022

Soldering a Digital Badge

Python Programming

Jennifer Schulte


Cody Welu

Kali Virtual Machine

  • John the Ripper - free open source password cracker (primarily meant to crack weak passwords.)


Kyle Cronin

Raspberry Pi to track GPS locations

  • Always plug in HDMI cord to Pi first, then attach all peripherals .

CX3 - Cyber Community Club

Hands-On Challenges

Discord (Students chat with one another and with instructors about what they're working on)


Digital Forensics

Francisca Opoku-Boateng
  • FTK Imager - Free download (Gives image files and then could be loaded into any digital forensics tool.)

  • Integrity Example

  • IP Tracker - Click on three vertical dots (more info) and choose View - Message Details and copy that info to paste in trackers. For Gmail - choose three dots on right and choose Show Original and copy that information.

  • Verify an Email Address - or

Artificial Intelligence

Austin O'Brien

Book - Machine Learning for Kids - Can create accounts for students easily.

Raspberry Pi

Tom Halverson

Thonny program

  • Light/Blinking Lights

  • Button

  • Button with Light

Turtle Programming


Mark Spanier

Codemaker / Codebreaker board game

Mastermind = Wordle

Information/ Disinformation/Social Engineering

Rob Honomichl

Software Defined Radio

Shawn Zwach

Debian (Linux version of Kali)

Activities - kali command "gqrx" (don't insert quotes)

  • Listen to a radio station on the computer

  • Watch flight and get information -

  • Gather Intel

    • FCC ID Search -

      • Details < Test Report < Frequency Range

      • Find frequency in gqrx while buttons are pressed, record the frequency in AM mode right hand side (record is on bottom).

      • Open Audacity in Kali - audacity gqrx

        • Load the recording, get the binary code (1s and 0s), use calculator on computer for HEX translation for the binary codes.

3D Printing

Tyler Flaagan

Plastic - recommend PLA+ or - .05

ABS has shrinking issues, causes detached bases



Markov Chains/Model

Andrew Kramer

Markov Generator

Search for text files (Google Search) - (topic) filetype:txt (will give a whole text to use)

Markov Music Generator -

Use for predictions on a data set