Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebooks Introduction


  • Python Introduction

  • Mapping to Cybersecurity Principles


    1. Numbers and Mathematical Operators

    2. Strings

    3. Variables

    4. Conditional Statements

    5. Loops (in Jupyter Notebook)

    6. Functions (in Jupyter Notebook)

    7. Modules (in Jupyter Notebook)

This is just a small list of all the possibilities and features that Python has to offer.

Python Introduction

Python is a widely-used, high-level programming language used by companies such as Netflix, Instagram, and Reddit. The original developer of the language is Guido van Rossum who released the language in 1991. Some of the features to keep in mind:

  • Interpreted language

  • Identation: very important and used in code blocks

  • A large amount of additional or external libraries/modules

  • Case sensitive

Cyber Security Principles

    • Defense in Depth

    • Confidentiality

    • Integrity

    • Availability

    • Think like an Adversary

    • Keep it Simple

      • Features such as memory management and some complexities are simplified in Python as compared to other programming languages. I've heard it stated once as, "Python is a close to pseudocode as you can get." For example, in C we have to define the type of variable that will be ideally be stored in a variable whereas Python handle that for you.

*Theoretically, the modifications made on Python2 to get us to Python3 had simplification in mind to reduce redundancy and repetition.

  • Modularity

    • This is a great time to bring up Python modules. It's much more convenient to simply import a module, such as math or random, where functions have already been defined for us as opposed to writing them all from scratch. Additionally each module can be thought of as a separate tool that we reach for when we need it.

Additional Resources

Python in Education (Why it's beneficial to use with students):

Python for Beginners Additional Courses/Books/Links:

Programming Examples:

OneNote Resources:

IDE/Platform Options... other than IDLE

Gamification/quiz platforms

You can reach me at:

  • jennifer.schulte@dsu.edu (e-mail)
    605-291-4267 (office phone)