Classroom Management

19 Big and Small Classroom Management Strategies

Article gives some strategies that every teacher can think about when decided a management process.

Reclaim Your Game Before Teaching Gets Tougher

This article discusses the 6 pillars of effective classroom management.

Universal Cell phone policy ideas from our teachers.  Click on the phone above to look at the policy written by CCHS students and followed by our staff.

Know Your Who!--thinking about each student and understanding what types of learners are in the classroom.

Graphic Organizer

Explanation of Categories

Seating Charts-A strategy to think about when looking at how to manage the classroom.

Article/explanation of ways to create 

Article about Collaboration/Interaction/Student created charts

Timers-using a timer is a great strategy to keep students focused and the lesson on track.

How to insert timer into Google Slides

"Listen Up"-catch phrases to bring attention to the front of the room or you as a speaker

Brain Breaks--quick breaks in the daily routine and help students refocus and concentrate on any 

Example videos:

Pen Flipping

Toe Tapping

Warm Ups and Bell Ringers--can get your students focused as soon as they walk into the classroom, but they need to be purposeful and focused.

Discussion Rules and Techniques--can be an invaluable tool to utilize in the classroom, but takes time and thought to be effective.  An article with 15 strategies are attached above.

Positive Energy and Smiling-students respond to a smile and a positive atmosphere.  The article above talks about the power of greeting each student every day.

Proximity-check out this short video about how to use and how not to use this strategy in the classroom.

Teach the Expectations--teaching the procedures for your classroom is an important aspect of classroom management.  Check out Harry Wong's thoughts in "The Well Manged Classroom"

Social Emotional Learning--character development can be an important element in any classroom.  This article reviews ways a teacher can incorporate this development through becoming a role model for the students.

Change the physical state every 15 minutes--"Git and Sit" doesn't benefit our students' ability to learn.  Read this chapter from Teaching with the Brain in Mind about the importance of movement and its connection to maximizing learning.

Building Relationships--This concept is not new to education and we understand the value of building strong relationships in the classroom.  Here are a few articles with ideas about building relationships.  "Building Relationships with Students" and "The Power of Positive Relationships"

Power of Consistency--students need structure and organization, but also need a teacher who is consistent in his or her expectations. Take a look at some of the suggestions in the following article: "Consistency is Key with Classroom Management"

Routines--A process that needs to be taught and integrated into the everyday classroom.  It is not something we tell students, but teach them to make our classroom better managed and efficient.  Here is an article about classroom routines: "Rules, Routines, and Standards in Elementary and Secondary Classrooms"

Planning and Preparation-Planning and preparing lessons dictates how the classroom runs and succeeds.  This article gives excellent advice and talks about what happens when sufficient thought and planning do not occur.  "Strategies for Teachers: The Power of Preparation and Planning

Classroom Transitions--planning for the unexpected or when you move from one task to another is an important aspect of classroom management that shouldn't be overlooked.

Opening and Closing Strategies
