Social Emotional Learning
It is important to note that while this website is currently available, it is still being developed. Thank you for your patience!
How do we start the conversation of Coronavirus with our children? Below you will find some helpful resources to share with your children.
Brain Pop Video: Great video explaining the virus and how to stay healthy
The Yucky Bug: YouTube book by Julia Cook
Coronavirus Social Story: Easy to read social story
How to Talk to Kids about the Coronavirus (video): Guidance for parents from the Child Mind Institute
How to Talk to Kids about the Coronavirus (article): From PBS, wonderful talking points for families
What's Social Emotional Learning?
According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), SEL is the process through which children and adults
understand and manage emotions
set and achieve positive goals
feel and show empathy for others
establish and maintain positive relationships
make responsible decisions
CASEL understands how important it is to attend to social and emotional needs. These resources are designed to support families and educators who work with children.
PBIS & SEL at Home
D15 embraces PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) as an effective way to build social emotional skills and reduce challenging behaviors. PBIS can be effectively used at home too and is especially helpful when events disrupt normal routines, like our current COVID-19 reality.
Click here to learn more on how to use PBIS to support your child's social and emotional growth and minimize behavioral disruptions in the home.
π NEW π Message 04.19.2020
Hello D15 Community,
Hoping you and yours are safe and healthy! Additional activities have been added to this website in recent weeks. Be sure to check out:
Mindfulness resources with great guided mindfulness activities to cultivate presence, compassion, courage, gratitude, and love
The Yoga and Guided Meditation document contains links to self guided activities can be found under the mindfulness section
The social awareness page has been updated with supportive videos and podcasts to learn more about empathy and how it builds our social awareness
Lastly, a reminder from our last announcement to treat your soul with kind, forgiving, loving thoughts and words - you deserve it! π
Message 03.30.2020
Hello D15 Community,
Oh how we miss each other so! π Hoping you and yours are well and healthy!
Self compassion is an important component to self care and honestly, not sure if this practice could be any more applicable than during this unexplored time.
Never before has so much been asked of a person. I started to list all that is being asked of us these days and decided we all know and feel it - we don't need another daily reminder of our expectations. Perhaps a reminder on how we can practice self compassion as a source of strength and resilience is more helpful.
Letting go of perfectionism, giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would to others, recognizing our common humanity, and practicing mindfulness strengthens our own self compassion.
What would happen if we treated ourselves with the same love and compassion we show others? Think about what you would say to a loved one who is experiencing what you are. Treat your soul with those same kind, forgiving, loving thoughts and words - you deserve it!
Message 03.20.2020
Students and Families,
You are missed! As you know, we have been working on building social emotional learning (SEL) strategies throughout this school year. With this in mind, we wanted to share helpful resources and strategies you can continue to use at home during this time. We know there have been a lot of changes recently. We are thinking of you and want to remind you of the practices you can do to take care of you, as well as the people around you!
And above all we wanted to remind you that, as always, we are #proudtobeD15 strong!