Back To Broadway, Better Than Before!

Emma Cazes , Entertainment Staff

Broadway is finally back in New York City! It’s been a rough year and a half for the Broadway community. All shows were shut down due to COVID-19 and thousands of people were unemployed and left with nothing but talent. The loss of Broadway affected the actors and fans, as the thing everyone adored most about New York City was gone. Theaters were dark and nobody knew when the lights would come back on. However, in September 2021, a full year and a half after Broadway closed, shows finally came back and brought smiles to the audience’s faces. 

Nobody expected COVID-19 to have this much of an impact on the world. Two years ago, people would not have believed that Broadway would close for over a year. Now, not only did Broadway shut down, but popular shows like Mean Girls and Frozen have fully closed during the pandemic. Other shows like Hamilton and Caroline or Change got postponed as they chose to wait the pandemic out. 

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Of course, we all know now that Broadway is making big headlines, as rehearsals are beginning and opening nights are starting up again. All shows had to go back into full rehearsals weeks or even months before opening night just to make sure they could execute their roles with safety and health as their priority. Performers got their jobs back, fans got their joy back, and it seemed like everyone was happy. 

Although Broadway is re-opening, it is very strict and you need to prepare yourself before you go to see a show. Masks are required whether you are vaccinated or not. You need to be fully vaccinated and have proof of your vaccination card at the entrance. If you are not vaccinated, you will need proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of the performance start time. Even with all these precautions, shows are still having to close due to COVID-19 cases. For example, Aladdin re-opened September 28, 2021 and reported a COVID-19 case just the next day, September 29th. They had to close up the show for weeks, only days after re-opening. Broadway is doing the best it can with the circumstances given and the rules they are permitted to follow to keep actors and audiences safe.

I was lucky enough to speak to Broadway star, Jenn Gambatese. Right now, she stars in Mrs. Doubtfire on Broadway as Miranda Hillard, and has also played other iconic roles like Glinda in Wicked and Jane in Tarzan. She gave me a little insight on how this has affected the Broadway community more than we can tell. Below are some questions I asked her:

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Q: While Broadway was shut down due to the pandemic, what did you do?

A: My family and I decided to make the most of the unexpected time together. From late November of 2021 through the beginning of May 2021 we went on an epic adventure… traveling the country via our camping trailer and AirBnBs.  We were able to continue the girls' schooling, my husband’s work, and my online teaching from the road and experience so many of our country’s beautiful national parks.  We made amazing memories that will last our whole lives long!

Q: Did you have to continue practicing through the pandemic to be ready for the re-opening of Broadway or was it more like time off?

A: It was entirely time off and no one knew at all how long it would last.  Some of us, myself included, had a feeling it would be longer than most were thinking, but I never would have thought 19 months! We were still in preview performances making changes to the show when the pandemic began and since we started up again the show has changed a great deal, so it was good that we weren’t all practicing what *was* and could remain open to what *would be*.  It also would have been too painful to practice on our own what we were all missing so very very much about creating together.


Q: How did it feel to go back into rehearsals after being away for so long?


A: It felt wonderful!!! And weird!!!


Q: What are some differences between Broadway now and before the pandemic?


A: Well, as I said our specific show has undergone so many changes (as new shows do in previews), but I would also say that the Broadway Community really used the unexpected intermission as an opportunity to look within our industry to see how we could make our workplaces more equitable, diverse, and inclusive.  There are also now a host of protocols in place to reduce the chances of Covid infections.  We are tested three times a week and wear masks at all times when we are off stage.  There are rules about where and how eating can happen inside the theater now that the weather is getting colder and all sorts of fans and filters on top of the building's high-end HVAC system.  I feel very fortunate to be looked after so well in order to ensure safety for the audiences as well!


Q: What is your favorite part about playing Miranda Hillard in Mrs. Doubtfire?


A: My favorite part about playing Miranda Hillard in "Mrs. Doubtfire" is getting to go with her on her journey every night as she moves from Fear (Resentment, Anger, Disappointment) to Love (Acceptance, Gratitude, and Forgiveness).  It is an honor!

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Even though COVID-19 is still a risk, Broadway has figured out how to re-open the doors and give everyone the happiness they have been longing for! More and more shows are reopening and I strongly recommend getting tickets. Go out and support the Broadway community, and give yourself a chance to get transferred back into the world of Broadway.