For Parents & Guardians

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Communication and transparency

Every summer, I take some time to rest, recharge, and reflect on the previous school year. This year, I also completed a 9 week online professional development course over the summer.  With the new ideas and perspectives from the PD, I have decided to focus on the theme of creating community this school year. 

Education is about unlocking possibility, and I hope to help your child navigate the year and find success in June, be it on the Regents or at Commencement. Education is also a team effort, and we all need to be able and willing to work together toward those June goals. We need to feel comfortable and confident in class. We need to trust each other when we share our thoughts and beliefs. And we need to be able to extend a hand when folks struggle. I believe that we can truly create a respectful community of students in my room this year and hope to maintain that emphasis throughout the year.

In addition, communication and transparency are two key concepts for your child's learning in my classroom this year. To that end, I encourage you to speak to your child often about his/her progress in my class (both in terms of academics and how they feel about what's going on). I will rely mainly on Google Classroom as my communication tool for students; email will be my primary means of communicating with you, the parents/guardians.

Once we get going and the work starts being submitted, my expectation for the year is this: that both students and parents will check the Portal at a pace that is convenient to them. I tend to update the Portal every few days and will post Announcements on Google Classroom when I do. I will also pay attention to student performance and patterns - if I see anything amiss, I will certainly contact home. I never want there to be any surprises at the end of the quarter - we all see the same data and can have the same conversation. 

However, as I tell all of my classes, if there is a concern that is not brought to my attention, it is difficult to address/correct it. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions: I check my email often and will do my best to respond in a timely manner.

I look forward to meeting your children and embarking on our learning journey this year.

Anthony Celini

period-by-period Class Calendars 

Please visit the District's Curriculum and Instruction page for additional information.