
Course Description & Syllabus

English 11R is primarily an American literature survey course where students will analyze literature from the founding of America through contemporary times and will study the concepts of the American Dream and social change. Students will continue to work on annotating texts, developing arguments in their writing, and analyzing literature through discussions, papers, and projects. 

In English 11R, we will focus on one main thematic element: the seemingly endless, and uniquely American,  "Pursuit of Happiness." As we read and examine the (mostly) American novels, plays, and poems this year, we need to keep this concept in mind, and observe who attempts to achieve what, and what happens as a result. 

We will also place a greater emphasis on increasing reading and writing fluency. To that end, we will dedicate a portion of each class towards reading and writing. We will begin reading together and, hopefully, branch out into independent choice reads. We will study mentor texts and the "moves that writers make" (Gallagher). We will write and revise and write and revise and then write and revise some more. We will work towards incorporating these skills into all aspects of your daily life. 

Finally, you will take the Common Core Regents this year. The test focuses on three key skills: reading comprehension, argument writing, and text analysis; all of the activities we do this year are, in some way, tied to a Regents skill that you will (hopefully) master by June.

Big Ideas (for the course)

We will examine these concepts throughout the year in the literature we read and discuss:

And, of course, we will focus on skills:

List of Works

Here is the list of main works we will study in this class. They are in approximate order, and I have included info from Wikipedia, IMDB, and reviews from Barnes and Noble for your convenience.

FYI: I have retained links to the archived site here for ease of access. As we get to each unit, I plan to move the resources.


There will be a variety of graded writing tasks throughout the year depending on which writing mode we are currently studying. We will write narratives, poems, literary analysis pieces (short and long), argument essays. Our research project will focus on the college process and will combine a  number of writing methods throughout. 

We will do reading quizzes a bit differently this year, and we will practice the Regents reading comprehension questions throughout the year. We will read current events and respond to them. We will study word roots and grammar. You will have optional, independent, bonus possibilities.

The goal is exposure.


Please read Your Gradebook Explained in the Class Procedures (pg 4) for more details.


1st Q (23.5%) + 2nd Q (23.5%) + 3rd Q (23.5%) + 4th Q (23.5%) + REG (6%)