English as a New Language Program

Welcome to the English as a New Language Program website. Here you will find information about the NYS testing for English Language Learners (ELL) and meet the faculty in the ENL Program.

Please click on the tabs above to find more information for parents to be able to advocate for your child and teachers to be able to support the ELL in their classrooms.

The English as a New Language (ENL) Department of the Clarkstown Central School District provides English language instruction and services to students of culturally, ethnically and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The district prepares English language learners (ELLs) to actively engage in academic experiences that promote college and career readiness after high school graduation.

At every grade level, ENL instruction is aligned with Common Core Learning Standards. Students develop academic language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing through the content areas.

ELLs participate in mainstream classrooms from the beginning of their educational experience in Clarkstown. ENL and content-area teachers work collaboratively as co-teachers to provide grade-level content instruction. Students at the entering and emerging levels receive intensive language instruction in small groups.

The ENL teachers work to develop students’ basic interpersonal communication skills and academic language proficiency to promote success across the disciplines.