Alternative Medical Assignments

Alternative/Medical Assignments

Alternative to Physical Activity in Physical Education

The New York State Department of Education does not recognize medical exemption from Physical Education; rather, student activity must be modified to suit the particular needs of the individual. Consequently, if students are unable to participate in Phys. Ed. due to medical restrictions, inadequate and/or unsafe clothing (no PE uniform), or for disciplinary reasons the Clarkstown Central School District offers students the opportunity of written assignments in order to maintain compliance with Commissioners Regulations.

Note - The written assignment is a substitute for Phys. Ed. participation credit due to the inability to actively participate for the above mentioned circumstances. Failure to submit a written assignment will result in a lack of participation credit for that day.

Written Assignment Directions

  1. Written assignments may be used to improve a students quarterly Phys. Ed. grade in the "Participation" category only.

  2. Click onto the below assignments assigned by your teacher, complete, then either share, email or bring a copy of your completed work to your Phys. Ed. teacher within the given time period. Assignments will not be accepted if submitted two school days after the due date.

  3. In order to receive full-credit, written assignments must be completed and follow the grading rubric assigned.

  4. Remember to include your name, grade, phys. ed. teacher, and period/day on your completed work.

  5. Students may use many means of research to complete written assignment questions. Examples include: Internet, books, magazines, etc.


Students found guilty of academic dishonesty may be subjected to a full range of penalties including, but not limited to, reprimand and loss of credit for all the work that is plagiarized. Instances of plagiarism will follow school policy.