Classroom Expectations & Rules

Stone Elementary 6th/7th Grade Policies and Procedures

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

  • Be prepared and responsible.

  • Remain seated during instructional time.

  • Listen and follow directions.

  • Respect yourself and others.

  • Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

  • Be in your seat when announcements begin each morning and afternoon.

Behavior Plan:

  • Minor Offenses:

    • Consequences for misbehaving in the classroom, hallway, and cafeteria are recorded as strikes. The strikes will be recorded daily by all teachers. The following consequences apply per nine weeks:

  • 1st Strike: Warning (Loss of Brain Break for the day and Free Friday for week)

  • 2nd strike: Parent Communication Log (Loss of Brain Break for the day)

  • 3rd strike: Detention (The student will be disqualified from the SWPBS trip at the end of the 9 weeks. )

  • 4th strike: Office Referral (Any strike after the 4th will result in an Office Referral.)

  • Examples of minor behavioral offenses are as follows:

    • Tardies from class to class (*A tardy slip will be issued from the front office if students are not in their seats at the time that morning announcements begin.)

    • Horseplay

    • Excessive talking

    • Lack of classroom materials

    • Failure to return signed paperwork

    • No homework

    • Incomplete work

    • Disrespect of personal belongings

    • Mealtime misbehavior (You will automatically be given two strikes.)

    • Not following directions

    • Busroom misbehavior

  • Major Offenses:

    • Major behavioral offenses will be referred directly to the office.

    • Examples of major behavioral offenses are as follows:

  • Dress Code Violation (see page 33-34 of the Stone Elementary Student Handbook)

    • Students are expected to comply with all BOE mask protocols.

  • Cell Phone/Electronic Violation (see page 32 of the Stone Elementary Student Handbook)

  • Fighting

  • Theft/Forgery

  • Damage to School Property (Vandalism)

  • Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco (see page 36 of the Stone Elementary Student Handbook)

  • Weapons (see page 36 of the Stone Elementary Student Handbook)

  • Bullying

  • Abusive or Inappropriate Language

  • Lying/Cheating

  • Public Display of Affection (see page 35 of the Stone Elementary Student Handbook)

  • Insubordination

  • Disrespect

NOTE: Parents will be contacted by phone when their student is involved in a Major Offense and asked to come to the school. Certain Major Offenses will require the involvement of law enforcement. As always, student safety is our first priority.

Detention Policy: If a student earns a detention and is then a NO SHOW for the assigned detention, the student will automatically be assigned another detention to serve along with the original detention.

In School Suspension: If a student earns ISS and is then absent on the assigned ISS day, the student must serve the ISS upon returning to school.


  • WATER is the only drink allowed in the classrooms.

  • Students may bring a healthy snack from home for snack time at 9:00-9:10 daily.

    • Stone Elementary is a nut free campus.

  • Outside food and drink (except lunch) will be THROWN AWAY when students enter school in the morning.

Restroom Breaks

  • Students should use the restroom between classes.

  • In the event students need to use the restroom during class time, they will be required to sign out and sign back into the classroom.

Make-up Work

Students will have the opportunity to make up missed assignments due to being absent. Students are given 3 calendar days for each day absent to turn in their work. It is the responsibility of the students to get the work that was missed due to illness or absences.

Film and Television Viewing

At times during instruction, special events, or during bus duty, students will view films and television shows with a rating of PG or below.

Graded Work

Graded papers will be sent home once a month. Please sign that the work has been reviewed. All failing assignments need to be signed and returned. Some assignments may be completed and graded via Google Classroom. We encourage all families to have access to Skyward to see the most up to date grades being entered. Mrs. Abbie, the Attendance Clerk, will provide usernames and passwords upon request.

Please sign and return the bottom portion acknowledging you and your child have read and understand the Middle School Policies and Procedures.


Middle School Policies and Procedures Acknowledgment

Student Name: ____________________________________________ Homeroom teacher: _______________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Student Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________________