

Please click on the list you need and print. If you cut on the lines, these can be flashcards!

Alphabet - Uppercase letters
Alphabet - Lowercase letters

Reading Words

Please click on the list you need and print. If you cut on the lines, these can be flashcards!

1st 9 weeks words
2nd 9 weeks words
3rd 9 weeks words
4th 9 weeks words


Please click on the list you need and print. If you cut on the lines, these can be flashcards!

Numbers to 0 - 20

100 Chart - Use to practice counting to 100 by 1s, 5s, and 10s.

Please click on 100 chart to print.

100 Chart

Addition Flashcards

Please click on the set of flashcards you would like to print.

Addition Zero