
All grades are posted in Skyward. The grade breakdown for this class are as follows:

  • Daily Grade/Rehearsals - 40%

        • Daily grades are given each day based on a student's attendance and participation. If the student is present for rehearsal, has all required materials for rehearsal, and is actively participating in rehearsal, the student will receive a 100 for that day's daily grade. If the student is present for rehearsal but is not participating/refusing to complete the assigned work, the student will receive a 0 for that day's daily grade. If a student is absent with an unexcused absence, the student will receive a 0 for that day's daily grade. If a student is absent with an excused absence, the student will still receive a 0 for that day's daily grade, but the 0 will not count against the student's grade. I cannot give a student credit for being present and participating when they weren't present and didn't participate, but I will make it to where that 0 will not hurt their grade. If the absence is an unexcused absence, the 0 will remain and will affect their grade.

  • Quiz Grade/Performances - 40%

        • During marching band, students will have multiple performances they are required to attend. A complete list of these performances can be found in the Band Handbook on pages 8-9 and 12-18. A student will receive a grade for each performance. A breakdown of how students will be graded for their attendance at performances can be found in the Band Handbook on page 6.

  • Exam Grade - 20%

        • There are two grades that fall into this category, the Midterm Exam, and the Final Exam. All students are required to take the Midterm Exam. However, based on a student's grade and attendance in class, students can be exempt from the Final Exam. The criteria for being exempt from the Final Exam as stated in CCBOE policy is listed below:

                  • A student with an "A" semester average can have up to three excused absences for the semester and remain exempt from the Final Exam.

                  • A student with a "B" semester average can have up to two excused absences for the semester and remain exempt from the Final Exam.

                  • A student with a "C" semester average can have up to one excused absence for the semester and remain exempt from the Final Exam.

                  • A student with a "D" or "F" semester average must take the Final Exam.

                  • A student with more than three excused absences for the semester must take the Final Exam.

                  • A student having any unexcused absences must take the Final Exam.

  • Make-Up Work

        • If a student is absent from class, and the absence has been excused, the student will have the opportunity to make up any missed work. The length of time that the student will be allowed to turn in the missed work is the number of days the student was absent plus two. For example, if a student missed three days of school due to having the flu, the student will have a total of five days to turn in any missing work from the three days they missed. If a student is absent with an unexcused absence, the student will be given the opportunity to make up any missed work for the first 2 unexcused absences. Upon the third unexcused absence, the student will no longer be allowed to make up missing work.