WPES 3rd Grade CBG

Welcome to CBG in 3rd Grade! Students in 3rd grade are gaining confidence, making their own decisions, and figuring out where they fit within their school community. There is no single description of a 3rd grader; kids develop at different paces. While some stick closely to a favorite playmate, others remain happy to spend time with lots of friends.

At this stage, it’s important for students to take charge of their homework. Provide a quiet place for homework and be available to help, but expect that your 3rd grader is old enough to complete the work himself/herself. Because of increased expectations, don’t be surprised if your child has more homework in 3rd grade than she did the year before.

Contacts us at:

Heavenly Husick


Winterpock Elementary School



Allison Guilliams


Winterpock Elementary School

