Primary Programs

This section will show you some of applications that we like to use with our primary students. Your district, as ours does, may use other paid applications, but we find these to be the best of the free options available.

Power My Learning

Power My Learning is a free program in which teachers can find vetted, high quality resources and share them with their students through created classes and teacher-created playlists.

Power My Learning 2018
Nearpod 101


Nearpod is an interactive lecture tool that allows teachers to control the pacing of the lesson on student devices and also allows for interactive features and immediate feedback to students. Nearpods can be done whole group, on teams, or individually.


Symbaloo is a website in which you can curate your own collection of links to frequently-used websites. We like Symbaloo for primary because it allows the creator to make "tiles" for each link, instead of word-based links. The teacher can then ask students to visit a certain group of links each day, and students can understand, even without being able to read! Want to learn how to get started? Click here! Click on the image to the right to view an example.