
Classroom Scholars

I encourage students to be Scholars this year. Scholars are always learning, no matter where they are. They take interest in new ideas and extend their learning beyond the classroom. I hope that my students will find themselves motivated to learn more at home.

Fourth graders are expected to complete some Reading and Math practice every night at home. A few options are outlined below. Specific assignments will be posted on the class Canvas page. Additionally, students will need to take notes home to review for upcoming tests and quizzes.

Class Canvas Page

It is expected that students will check our class Canvas page EVERY NIGHT for important updates, links, and discussion questions. If you are having difficulties navigating Canvas at home, please let me know and I'd be happy to assist!

#Bookgrams & Reading

Reading every day, at home and at school, is an expectation. A fun way to share your reading adventures with your classmates is #bookgrams on Instagram! To participate, post a picture of the book you are reading with a caption that tells us something about it, then share with the class by tagging @felixclassreads. (You may want to create a separate Instagram account just for school so your own account stays private. Keep in mind that this is totally optional & up to parental discretion!)

Another option for sharing favorite books is through our class Flipgrid! Record a book commercial to persuade other students to read your book, or film yourself reading a chapter to practice fluency.

Nightly Math

Just like reading, math practice should be done every day. There are many ways to practice nightly math, including Dreambox**, card & dice games, fluency cards (flashcards), brain busters, and discussion topics/ journaling.

I suggest subscribing to the Table Talk Math newsletter and downloading the Bedtime Math app. Both are FREE resources for math discussion at home.

**Note: I assign 1-2 Dreambox lessons per week that are tailored to students' individual needs. These are an excellent place to start!