Youth & Fire Misuse

Children and fire are a dangerous combination. While it is normal for children to be naturally curious about fire, starting fires and experimenting with fire is not. Children underestimate how quickly fire can spread and there can potentially be a deadly situation. Without educational intervention, youth firesetting behavior may continue. We are here to help!

The Chesterfield Fire & Life Safety Division offers a Youth Firesetting Prevention and Intervention Program to help families take a proactive role in keeping your family, home and community safe. Contact the Fire and Life Safety office at 804-748-1426 for additional information.

For Parents & Caregivers

  • Increase supervision.

  • Eliminate all access to lighters and matches.

  • Keep ignition sources and flammables in secured areas or locked in cabinets out of reach of children.

  • Install and maintain smoke alarms in your home.

  • Set a good example. Never amuse children by playing with fire. Youth will imitate your behavior.

  • Monitor what your children are watching on TV, video games, online, and social media.

  • Don't allow smoking in the home.

  • Regularly search your child's bedroom, closet, and personal belongings if they have been experimenting with or setting fires.

For Teachers & Guidance Counselors

  • Talk to students about the importance of working smoke alarms in their homes.

  • Educate children and adults to keep lighters and matches out of sight and reach of children.

  • Encourage students to "tell an adult" if they know someone has been misusing fire.

  • Teach and model fire safety in the classroom.

  • Inform parents and caregivers immediately if a student is suspected of or has been misusing fire.

  • Support fire education programs and collaboration with the fire department in your schools.

  • Promptly refer students and families to our Youth Firesetting Prevention & Intervention Program.

Children AND Fire Tips.docx