
Student Assistance Team

Student Assistance Team (SAT)

The Student Assistance Team is "a place to begin" with a student who is having difficulties at school. These problems can be academic or behavioral. A “team” consists of the School Administrator, SAT coordinator (guidance), the particular student’s Classroom Teacher, as well as the student’s Parent(s) and anyone else who works directly with the child. As a result, this “team” is different for each child. The goal of the team is to brainstorm and put into place interventions and a plan to help the student succeed. These interventions are documented and monitored.

The process is as follows:

  1. Classroom Teacher/Other Professionals/Parent recognizes that a student is struggling at school (academically or behaviorally).
  2. SAT process begins:
    • If teacher/professional recognizes problem he/she requests a SAT meeting for the student by email, phone call, conversation, or note to SAT coordinator = (School Counselor - TBD)
    • If parent recognizes problem he/she requests a SAT meeting for the student by email, phone call, conversation, or note to SAT coordinator or the individual student's teacher.

3. Once a student has been referred for a SAT the process will begin as follows:

      • SAT coordinator will send forms out to professionals who work directly with the student to gather information.
      • SAT coordinator puts information regarding student together and schedules a meeting inviting those who work closely with the particular student including the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s).
      • The Student Assistance Team (school administrator, coordinator, parents, and others who work directly with the child) will share information such as interventions that seem to work with student, triggers for the student, etc… The SAT will BRAINSTORM and put together a specific action plan for the student based on the information gathered and discussed.

4. The SAT coordinator will facilitate the SAT plan for the student.

5. The Student Assistance Team will reconvene as needed to discuss and modify the SAT plan.