2024 GAC 1

Is V1 a cognitive map?

Paul Linton, Columbia University

David Heeger, New York University

Tony Movshon, New York University

Lars Muckli, University of Glasgow

Hendrikje Nienborg, National Eye Institute

Paolo Papale, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience

Andrew Parker, University of Magdeburg

Lucy Petro, University of Glasgow

Pieter Roelfsema, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience

Petra Vetter, University of Fribourg

Li Zhaoping, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Cheng Xue, University of Chicago

Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Columbia University

Short description

A ‘Cognitive Map’ is an internal model of space upon which we can scaffold our judgments about the world. The question this GAC seeks to resolve is whether V1 acts as a ‘Cognitive Map’ in humans? In answering this question, our goal is to connect Cognitive Science back to the Computational Neuroscience of V1. There’s been a raft of suggestive evidence of ‘cognitive’ processing in V1 over the last 20 years, but comparatively little stepping back and asking ‘what does it all mean?’ By contrast, the goal of Cognitive Computational Neuroscience is not just to link neural processes with computational principles, but also to explore what they mean for our experience of the world? 

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