Roller-Bailey Family Endowment for John Paul II School

This endowment fund was established to support tuition assistance at John Paul II Catholic School in Mitchell, SD.

When making an online donation, please select "other" and specify the fund name you wish to support. Thank you for your generosity!

An endowment fund is a perpetual fund, created by charitable donations in the form of cash, stocks, mutual funds, real property, or other personal property given to the Foundation. The practice of investing the principal, rather than spending it, creates a perpetual fund. Most of an endowment’s annual earnings are distributed to the designated benefactors, in this case, John Paul II School. Endowments provide a “forever-giving” funding source for Catholic programs and activities. A gift in your will could establish an endowment and a lasting legacy for you, your family, and benefactor.

If you would like information on how you can leave a lasting legacy for yourself or a loved one, call the MCF office to set up an appointment at 605-999-9127.