Mrs. Anchor's Class Website


Google Classroom Codes:

Join your class period Google Classroom

1st Period: n4iiwht

2nd Period: al2emzt

3rd Period: noedvyb

5th Period: r2r4hfy

6th Period: 3amtqkh

7th Period: d4642yl


Help me keep you up to date on everything you need to know about art class by joining my remind. This is also a great way to get in touch with me!

Remind Code: clayLHS


All Grades  will be posted in Infinite Campus. 

Grades in art are based on project participation, fulfillment of the state standards, and  understanding of the concept or technique.

Summative Assessments : 60%

-projects and tests 

-written reflections

Formative Assessments: 30%




Final Project/ Semester Exam: 10%

Contact Mrs. Anchor

Important Dates

Spring Art Show and Concert 


AP Art Showcase


Columbia County Arts Showcase


Daily Schedule

Period 1: Ceramics 1-4

Period 2: Ceramics 1-4

Period 3: Ceramics 1-4

Period 4: Planning

Period 5: Ceramics 1-4

Period 6: Ceramics 1-4

Period 7: Ceramics 1-4

Supply List:

Clear, plastic shoe size bin


Sketchbook (grid or blank paper)

Apron (optional)

Wish List

Black Sharpies

Paper towels


Unscented lotion
