Prospective Students


Pre-IB courses are designed to prepare students for the prestigious and rigorous IB Programme.

Some of the benefits of the IB Diploma Programme include the following:

  • Students are part of a challenging and stimulating program that is internationally recognized.

  • Students are exposed to an interdisciplinary education with a truly "international" perspective.

  • Students learn to think critically and develop analytical skills that will prepare them for post-secondary education.

  • Students learn how to conduct independent research and write a major term paper.

  • Successful IB students understand that not only straight “A” students, gifted, or high-IQ students will succeed. Straight A-students might be challenged to stretch beyond their previously set academic limits and this growth does not always translate to straight-A’s in IB. Students and parents must understand that academic growth is measured more favorably than GPA and class rank.

  • Students are encouraged to be well-rounded and appreciate the importance of extra-curricular activities and community service.

  • Students' chances for admittance to the universities of their choice are greatly enhanced.

  • Students may receive college credit or advanced standing at many colleges and universities.


January 11-15: The IB team will visit middle schools to talk to interested 8th graders about the IB Programme

January 24 : Application deadline. With interest after this date, email the IB Coordinator.

Each student’s eligibility is reviewed by the school, which includes the IB Head of School, IB Coordinator, IB Counsellor, and middle school counselors. Additional information may be requested.

The week of January 25: Students are called for interview via their middle school counselors. The IB team visits each school.

The week of February 1: Letters of acceptance, wait list, or rejection to be mailed to all applicants. Students are notified of their application status through a letter sent by email.

Students who do not meet the first-round criteria may be placed on a waiting list. If seats become available, students on the waiting list may receive further communication regarding their status.

March : Please contact Katie Newton in our guidance office by this date with your desire to attend or decline acceptance. This is necessary for scheduling of classes either at LHS or your zoned high school.

Late-March through end-May : Wait list students will be contacted if additional placements become available; responses recorded.

Spring : New 9th grade Pre-IB students are registered into standard courses and notices are sent to their middle school counselors.

May : Summer assignments become available on the website

Late-July/ Early August : Freshman Orientation

It is important that students and parents realize that academic excellence, while important, is not the only consideration. Success in the IB Programme also depends on a student's motivation and character.

Potential IB students should also possess the dedication and work ethic necessary to complete a rigorous academic program of study.

FAQ's about the IB Programme
