Library Procedures

Visiting the Library

Students are welcome to visit the library during the school day.  All students are required to have a red library pass from their teacher and their ID badge.  Students must sign in upon arrival and sign out when they leave.

On occasion teacher may schedule classes to use the library.  During these times, the scheduled classes have priority on library space and resources.

Using Library Resources

The library is equipped with a Windows laptop cart and a Google Chromebook cart.  Students are welcome to use these devices in the library.  Devices must be checked out at the circulation desk.  Chromebooks are also available to checkout for use during the school day.  ALL TECHNOLOGY IS FOR INSTRUCTIONAL USE ONLY.

Please remember that all resources (including library books and technology) must be properly checked out before leaving the library. 


Eating and drinking in the library is prohibited.  If you plan to come to the library during your lunch period please eat in the cafeteria first then come see us!

Behavioral Expectations

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a safe, considerate manner.  This includes adhering to the dress code and other expectations outlined in the student code of conduct.  Students must be engaged in classwork, research, reading, or other quiet pursuits.  Students coming only to socialize may be asked to return to class.  Any disruptions may result in the loss of priviledges for a number of days.